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Secure Lookup

See Secure Lookup for more information about this algorithm framework.

Creating a Secure Lookup Algorithm via API

  1. Find the FrameworkId for the Extensible SL Framework. That might be done via the following EndPoint:

    algorithm   GET /algorithm/frameworks

    Plugin name is dlpx-core, the framework name is Secure Lookup.

  2. Upload Lookup File via the following EndPoint:

    fileUpload   POST /file-uploads

    Alternatively, the Lookup File might also be provided via HTTP / HTTPS / NFS mount URLs.

  3. Create an Extensible SL Algorithm via the following EndPoint:

    algorithm   POST /algorithms

    Using the JSON formatted input, similar to the following example:

        "algorithmName": "demoExtendedSL",
        "algorithmType": "COMPONENT",
        "frameworkId" : 1,
        "algorithmExtension" :
            "lookupFile" : {
            "inputCaseSensitive" : true,
            "maskedValueCase" : "ALL_LOWER"

    Fields description:
    "algorithmName" - customer created algorithm name
    "algorithmType" - should be "COMPONENT" for Extensible Algorithms
    "description" - free text
    "frameworkId" - the numeric value found in #1 above
    "algorithmExtension" - the composite field, containing algorithm instance specific configuration parameters

Secure Lookup Algorithm Extension

  • lookupFile (maxLength=255)

    Lookup file may be one of the following four options:
    - UUID value returned from the endpoint for uploading file to the Masking Engine
    - NFS mounted file URL
    - HTTP URL to external web located file
    - HTTPS URL to external web located file

  • inputCaseSensitive (optional)

    Setting "true" means input value case matter (i.e. "Peter" and "peter" might be masked to different values)
    Setting "false" (default) makes input value case insensitive ("Peter" and "peter" would be masked to the same value)

  • maskedValueCase (optional)

    The output (masked) value case enforcing.
    Enum values:
    - PRESERVE_LOOKUP_FILE - use the unmodified replacement value (default).
    - PRESERVE_INPUT - preserve case of input value. If mixed - use unmodified replacement value.
    - ALL_LOWER - force the output to lowercase.
    - ALL_UPPER - force the output to uppercase.

Legacy Secure Lookup Algorithm Extension

  • fileReferenceId (optional)

    The reference UUID value returned from the endpoint for uploading files to the Masking Engine.