Masking API Client¶
This section describes the API client available on the Masking Engine.
With the release of API v5 on the Masking Engine, Delphix has opened up the possibility of scripting and automation against the Masking Engine. While this is exciting for us internally at Delphix, we are sure that this will be even more exciting for the consumers of the Masking Engine. This document is intended to be a high-level overview of what to expect with API v5 as well as some helpful links to get you started.
API v5 is a RESTful API. REST stands for REpresentational State Transfer. A REST API will allow you to access and manipulate a textual representation of objects and resources using a predefined set of operations to accomplish various tasks.
API v5 uses JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) to ingest and return representations of the various objects used throughout various operations. JSON is a standard format and, as such, has many tools available to help with creating and parsing the request and response payloads, respectively.
Here are some UNIX tools that can be used to parse JSON - That being said, this is only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to JSON parsing and the reader is encouraged to use their method of choice.
API Client¶
The various operations and objects used to interact with API v5 are defined in a specification document. This allows us to utilize various tooling to ingest that specification to generate documentation and an API Client, which can be used to generate cURL commands for all operations.
To access the API client on your Masking Engine, go to
To access the API client documentation without an engine, please refer to the static HTML representations here:
- Masking API 5.0.0 Documentation (released in with incubating endpoints, updated in subsequent releases, and finalized in
- Masking API 5.1.0 Documentation (released in
- Masking API 5.1.1 Documentation (released in
- Masking API 5.1.2 Documentation (released in
- Masking API 5.1.3 Documentation (released in
- Masking API 5.1.4 Documentation (released in
- Masking API 5.1.5 Documentation (released in
To see how to log into the API client and for some starter recipes, please check out API Cookbook document.
Supported Features¶
API v5 is in active development but does not currently support all features that are accessible in the GUI. The list of supported features will expand over the course of subsequent releases.
For a full list of supported APIs, the best place to look is the API client on your Masking Engine.
API Calls for Masking Administration¶
The Delphix Masking Engine supports the following two types of administrative APIs:
Analytics APIs
- These APIs are for including Masking performance information in the support bundle and do not need to be used unless that information is requested.
Application Setting APIs
- Application Setting APIs allow an administrator to change the Delphix Masking Engine settings. Presently there are five categories of settings: analytics settings, LDAP settings, general settings, mask settings and profile settings. Over time, more settings will be added to give users direct control over the product's various settings. Below are the details of currently supported settings.
Application Settings APIs¶
General Group Settings¶
Setting Group | Setting Name | Type | Description | Default Value |
general | EnableMonitorRowCount | Boolean | Controls whether a job displays the total number of rows that are being masked. Setting this to false reduces the startup time of all jobs. | true |
PasswordTimeSpan | Integer [0, ∞) | The number of hours a user is locked out for before they can attempt to log in again. | 23 | |
PasswordCount | Integer [0, ∞) | The number of incorrect password attempts before a user is locked out. | 3 | |
AllowPasswordResetRequest | Boolean | When true, users can request a password reset link be sent to the email associated with their account. | true | |
PasswordResetLinkDuration | Integer [1, ∞) | Controls how many minutes the password reset link is valid for. | 5 | |
NumSimulJobsAllowed | Integer [1, ∞) | Max number of jobs allowed. | 7 | |
DefaultApiVersion | String |
Used to set default API Version.
If the version is omitted from the base path of the request's URL, but wishes to be treated using a specific masking API version that is not the latest version, set the DefaultApiVersion application setting. If the DefaultApiVersion is not set and the version is omitted from the URL, the latest version of the API on that engine will be used. Sample API Version format is like v5.1.5 etc. |
Blank |
NumSimulJobsAllowed setting should be set based on engine configuration. It is risky to run many jobs at once in an environment where you have scheduled more jobs than the system has memory for. When the system runs out of memory all jobs will fail.
Algorithm Group Settings¶
Setting Group | Setting Name | Type | Description | Default Value |
algorithm | DefaultNonConformantDataHandling | String {DONT_MASK, FAIL} | Default algorithm behavior for Handling of NonConformant Data patterns. | DONT_MASK |
Database Group Settings¶
Setting Group | Setting Name | Type | Description | Default Value |
database | DB2zDateFormat | String | Default Date String format to use for DB2 zOS if the database is not using one of the pre-defined IBM DB2 zOS Date String formats. Default is ISO Date String format. | yyyy-MM-dd |
LDAP Group Settings¶
Setting Group | Setting Name | Type | Description | Default Value |
ldap | Enable | Boolean | Used to enable and disable LDAP authentication | false |
LdapHost | String | Host of LDAP server | | |
LdapPort | Integer [0, ∞) | Port of LDAP server | 389 | |
LdapBasedn | String | Base DN of LDAP server | DC=tbspune,DC=com | |
LdapFilter | String | Filter for LDAP authentication | (&(objectClass=person)(sAMAccountName=?)) | |
MsadDomain | String | MSAD Domain for LDAP authentication | AD | |
LdapTlsEnable | Boolean | Enable and disable the use of TLS for LDAP connections. | false |
In the LDAP group, once the "Enable" setting is set to "true", all users logging in will be authenticated via the LDAP server. Local authentication will no longer work. Before setting this to true set all other LDAP settings correctly and create the necessary LDAP users on the masking engine.
Mask Group Settings¶
Setting Group | Setting Name | Type | Description | Default Value |
mask | DatabaseCommitSize | Integer [1, ∞) | Controls how many rows are updated (Batch Update) to the database before the transaction is committed. | 10000 |
DefaultStreams | Integer [1, ∞) | Default number of streams for a masking job. | 1 | |
DefaultUpdateThreads | Integer [1, ∞) | Default number of database update threads for a masking job. | 1 | |
DefaultMaxMemory | Integer [1024, ∞) | Default maximum memory for masking jobs (in megabytes). | 1024 | |
DefaultMinMemory | Integer [1024, ∞) | Default minimum memory for masking jobs (in megabytes). | 1024 |
Profile Group Settings¶
Setting Group | Setting Name | Type | Description | Default Value |
profile | EnableDataLevelCount | Boolean | When enabled, only profile the number of rows specified by DataLevelRows when running data level profiling jobs. When disabled, profile all rows when running data level profiling jobs. |
false |
DataLevelRows | Integer [1, ∞) | The number of rows a data level profiling job samples when profiling a column. This is only used when EnableDataLevelCount is true. | 100 | |
DataLevelPercentage | Double (0, ∞) | Percentage of rows that must match the data level regex to consider this column a match, and thus sensitive. | 80.0 | |
IgnoreDatatype | String | Datatypes that a profiling job should ignore. Columns of these types will not be assigned a domain/algorithm pair. | BIT,BOOLEAN,CHAR#1,VARCHAR#1,VARCHAR2#1,NCHAR#1, NVARCHAR#1,NVARCHAR2#1,BINARY,VARBINARY,IMAGE, LOB,LONG,BLOB,CLOB,NCLOB,BFILE,RAW,ENUM,BFILE |
DefaultStreams | Integer [1, ∞) | Default number of streams for a profiling job. | 1 | |
DefaultMaxMemory | Integer [1024, ∞) | Default maximum memory for profiling jobs (in megabytes). | 1024 | |
DefaultMinMemory | Integer [1024, ∞) | Default minimum memory for profiling jobs (in megabytes). | 1024 | |
OptimizationLevel | Integer [0, 9) | Optimization level for the profiling job which is defined as below, 0: No optimizations are performed. 1: JavaScript runs in interpreted mode. 9: Performs the most optimization with faster script execution, but compiles slower. 1-9: All optimizations are performed. |
-1 |
Job Group Settings¶
Setting Group | Setting Name | Type | Description | Default Value |
job | JobLoggingLevel | String {Basic, Detailed} | Controls the amount of information being logged from a job's output. Warning: the Detailed setting may log sensitive information when errors occur. Although this information can be very valuable when debugging a problem, it should be used with care. | Basic |