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Out of the Box Profiling Settings

The Delphix Platform comes out of the box with over 50 profile Expressions to help you discover over 30 types (account numbers, addresses, etc.) of sensitive data.

Account Numbers

An account number is the primary identifier for ownership of an account, whether a vendor account, a checking or brokerage account, or a loan account. An account number is used whether or not the identifier uses letters or numbers. Below are the profile Expressions Delphix uses to identify account numbers:

Expression Name Domain Expression Level Expression
Account Number ACCOUNT_NO Column (?>(acc(oun\|n)?t)_?(num(ber)?\|nbrjno)?)(?!\w\*(ID\|type))

Physical Addresses

Below are the profile Expressions Delphix uses to identify physical addresses:

Expression Name Domain Expression Level Expression
Address ADDRESS Column ^(?:(?!postalcode\|city\|state\|country\|email\|(l\|ln\|lin\|line)?_?2{1}\|ID).)*addre?s?s?_?(?:(?!city\|state\|country\|email|(l\|ln\|lin\|line)?_?2{1}\|ID).)*$
Street Address ADDRESS Column (?>(str(eet)?_?addre?s?s?\|street))(?!\w*(ID\|type))
Data - Address ADDRESS Data (.*[\s]+b(ou)?|(e)?v(ar)?d[\d]*.*)\|(.*[\s]+st[.]?(reet)?[\s]*.*)\|(.*[\s]+ave[.]?(nue)?[\s]*.*)\|(.*[\s]+r(oa)?d[\s]*.*)\|(.*[\s]+\|(a)?n(e)?[\s]*.*)\|(.[\s]+cir(cle)?[\s]*.*1
Address Line2 - before ADDRESS_LINE2 Column ^(?:(?!email\|ID).)*(l\|ln\|lin\|line)?2{1}_?addre?s?s?(?:(?!email\|ID).)*$
Address Line2 - after ADDRESS_LINE2 Column ^(?:(?!email\|ID).)*addre?s?s?_?(l\|ln\|lin\|line)?_?2{1}(?:(?!email\|ID).)*$
Data - Address Line 2 ADDRESS_LINE2 Data (.*[\s]*ap(ar)?t(ment)?[\s]+.*)|(.*[\s]*s(ui)?te[\s]+.*)\|(c(are)?[\s]*[\\\\]?[/]?o(f)?[\s]+.*)

Beneficiary ID

Below are the profile Expressions Delphix uses to identify beneficiary IDs:

Expression Name Domain Expression Level Expression
Beneficiary Number BENEFICIARY_NO Column (?>(bene(ficiary)?)_?(num(ber)?|nbr\|no))(?!\w*ID)1
Beneficiary ID BENEFICIARY_NO Column (?>(bene(ficiary)?)_?id)


Below are the profile Expressions Delphix uses to biometric data:

Expression Name Domain Expression Level Expression
Biometric BIOMETRIC Column biometric

Certificate ID

Below are the profile Expressions Delphix uses to identify certificate IDs:

Expression Name Domain Expression Level Expression
Certificate Number CERTIFICATE_NO Column (?>cert(ificate)?_?(num(ber)?\|nbr\|no\|id))
Certificate ID CERTIFICATE_NO Column (?>cert(ificate)?_?id)


Below are the profile Expressions Delphix uses to identify cities:

Expression Name Domain Expression Level Expression
City CITY Column ci?ty(?!\w*ID)


Below are the profile Expressions Delphix uses to identify countries:

Expression Name Domain Expression Level Expression
Country COUNTRY Column c(ou)?nty(?!\w*ID)

Credit Card

Below are the profile Expressions Delphix uses to identify credit cards:

Expression Name Domain Expression Level Expression
Card Number CREDIT CARD Column (?>ca?rd_?(num(ber)?\|nbr\|no)?)(?!\w*ID)
Credit Card Number CREDIT CARD Column (?>cre?di?t_?(ca?rd)?_?(num(ber)?\|nbr\|no)?)(?!\w*ID)
Data - Credit Card CREDIT CARD Data ^(?:3[47][0-9]{13}|4[0-9]{12}(?:[0-9]{3})?(?:[0-9]{3})?\|(?:5[1-5][0-9]{2}\|222[1-9]\|22[3-9][0-9]\|2[3-6][0-9]{2}\|27[01][0-9]\|2720)[0-9]{12}\|6(?:(011\|5[0-9][0-9])[0-9]{2}\|4[4-9][0-9]{3}\|2212[6-9]\|221[3-9][0-9]\|22[2-8][0-9]{2}\|229[0-1][0-9]|2292[0-5])[0-9]{10}?(?:[0-9]{3})?\|3(?:0[0-5,9]\|6[0-9])[0-9]{11}\|3[89][0-9]{14}?(?:[0-9]{1,3})?)$

Customer Number

Below are the profile Expressions Delphix uses to identify customer IDs:

Expression Name Domain Expression Level Expression
Customer Number CUSTOMER_NUM Column (?>(cu?st(omer\|mr)?)_?(num(ber)?\|nbr|no)?)(?!\w*ID)

Date of Birth

Below are the profile Expressions Delphix uses to identify dates of birth:

Expression Name Domain Expression Level Expression
Birth Date DOB Column (?>(bi?rth)_?(date?\|day\|dt))(?!\w*ID)
Birth Date1 DOB Column (?>dob\|dtofb\|(day\|date?\|dt)_?(of)?_?(bi?rth))(?!\w*ID)
Birth Date2 DOB Column (?>b_?(date?\|day))(?!\w*ID)
Admission Date DOB Column (?>(adm(it\|ission)?)_?(date?\|day\|dt))(?!\w*ID)
Treatment Date DOB Column (?>(tr(ea)?t(ment)?)_?(date?\|day|dt))(?!\w*ID)
Discharge Date DOB Column (?>(ds\|disc(h\|harge)?)_?(date?\|day\|dt))(?!\w*ID)

Driver License Number

Below are the profile Expressions Delphix uses to identify driver license numbers:

Expression Name Domain Expression Level Expression
Drivers License Number DRIVING_LC Column (?>(dri?v(e?rs?e?)?)_?(license|li?c)?_?(num(ber)?\|nbr|no)?)(?!\w*ID)
Drivers License Number1 DRIVING_LC Column (^license$\|(license\|li?c)_?(num(ber)?\|nbr\|no))(?!\w*ID)


Below are the profile Expressions Delphix uses to identify emails:

Expression Name Domain Expression Level Expression
Email EMAIL Column ^(?:(?!invalid).)*email(?!\w*ID)
Data - Email EMAIL Column \b[A-Z0-9._%+-]+@[A-Z0-9.-]+\.[A-Z]{2,6}\b

First Name

Below are the profile Expressions Delphix uses to identify first names:

Expression Name Domain Expression Level Expression
First Name FIRST_NAME Column (?>(fi?rst)_?(na?me?)\|f_?name)(?!\w*ID)
Middle Name FIRST_NAME Column (?>(mid(dle)?)_?(na?me?)\|m_?name)(?!\w*ID)

IP Address

Below are the profile Expressions Delphix uses to IP addresses:

Expression Name Domain Expression Level Expression
IP Address IP ADDRESS Column (?>(ip_?addre?s?s?))(?!\w*(ID\|type))
Data - IP Address IP ADDRESS Data \b(?:(?:25[0-5]\|2[0-4][0-9]\|1[0-9][0-9]\|[1-9]?[0-9])\.){3}(?:25[0-5]\|2[0-4][0-9]\|1[0-9][0-9]\|[1-9]?[0-9])\b

Last Name

Below are the profile Expressions Delphix uses to identify last names:

Expression Name Domain Expression Level Expression
Last Name LAST_NAME Column ^(?:(?!portal\|ID).)*((la?st)_?(na?me?)\|l_?name)(?:(?!portalname\|ID).)*$

Plate Number

Below are the profile Expressions Delphix uses to identify plate numbers:

Expression Name Domain Expression Level Expression
License Plate PLATE_NO Column ^(?:(?!template|ID|type).)*(license\|li?c)?_?plate_?(num(ber)?\|nbr\|no)?(?:(?!template\|ID\|type).)*$

PO Box Numbers

Below are the profile Expressions Delphix uses to identify PO box numbers:

Expression Name Domain Expression Level Expression
PO Box PO_BOX Column po_?box
Data - PO Box PO_BOX Data po box\|p\.o\


Below are the profile Expressions Delphix uses to identify precincts:

Expression Name Domain Expression Level Expression
Precinct PRECINCT Column (>?precinct\|prcnct)(?!\w*ID)

Record Number

Below are the profile Expressions Delphix uses to identify record numbers:

Expression Name Domain Expression Level Expression
Record Number RECORD_NO Column (?>rec(ord)?_?(num(ber)?\|nbr\|no))(?!\w*(ID\|type))

School Name

Below are the profile Expressions Delphix uses to identify school names:

Expression Name Domain Expression Level Expression
School Name SCHOOL_NM Column (?>school_?na?me?)(?!\w*ID)

Security Code

Below are the profile Expressions Delphix uses to identify security codes:

Expression Name Domain Expression Level Expression
Security Code SECURITY_CODE Column (?>se?cu?r(i?ty?)?_?co?de?)(?!\w*ID)

Serial Number

Below are the profile Expressions Delphix uses to identify serial numbers:

Expression Name Domain Expression Level Expression
Serial Number SERIAL_NM Column (?>(ser(ial)?)_?(num(ber)?\|nbr|no))(?!\w*ID)


Below are the profile Expressions Delphix uses to identify signatures:

Expression Name Domain Expression Level Expression
Signature SIGNATURE Column signature(?!\w*(ID\|type))

Social Security Number

Below are the profile Expressions Delphix uses to social security numbers:

Expression Name Domain Expression Level Expression
Social Security Number SSN Column ssn(?!\w*ID)
Data - SSN SSN Data \b(?!000)(?!666)[0-8]\d{2}[- ](?!00)\d{2}[- ](?!0000)\d{4}\b

Tax ID

Below are the profile Expressions Delphix uses to identify tax IDs:

Expression Name Domain Expression Level Expression
Tax ID Number TAX_ID Column tin$\|^tin\|_tin\|tin_
Tax ID Code or Number TAX_ID Column (ta?x)_?(id(ent)?)?_?((co?de?)\|(num(ber)?\|nbr\|no))?

Telephone Number

Below are the profile Expressions Delphix uses to identify telephone numbers:

Expression Name Domain Expression Level Expression
Telphone or Contact Number TELEPHONE_NO Column (?>((tele?)?phone)\|(co?nta?ct\|tel)_?(num(ber)?\|nbr\|no))(?!\w*(ID\|type))
Data - Phone Number TELEPHONE_NO Data \(?\b[0-9]{3}\)?[-. ]?[0-9]{3}[-. ]?[0-9]{4}\b
Fax Number TELEPHONE_NO Data (?>fax_?(num(ber)?\|nbr\|no)?)(?!\w*(ID\|type))

Vin Number

Below are the profile Expressions Delphix uses to identify vin numbers:

Expression Name Domain Expression Level Expression
Vehicle VIN_NO Column vehicle
VIN VIN_NO Column vin$\|^vin\|_vin\|vin_

Web Address

Below are the profile Expressions Delphix uses to identify web addresses:

Expression Name Domain Expression Level Expression
Web or URL Address WEB Column (?>(url\|web_?addre?s?s?))(?!\w*(ID\|type))
Data - Web Address WEB Data \b(?:(?:https?\|ftp\|file)://\|www\.\|ftp\.)[-A-Z0-9+&-@#/%=~_\|$?!:,.]*[A-Z0-9+&-@#/%=~_\|$]

ZIP Code

Below are the profile Expressions Delphix uses to identify zip codes:

Expression Name Domain Expression Level Expression
zip or Postal Code ZIP Column (?>(zip\|post(al)?)_?((co?de?)?4?))(?!\w*ID)
Data - Zip Code ZIP Data 1\b([0-9]{5})-([0-9]{4})\b