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This section is intended to walk a developer through several workflows using the Delphix Algorithm SDK, such as creating a new algorithm plugin and installing it on a Delphix Masking Engine. Once an algorithm plugin has been installed, the included algorithms function as expected; they may be assigned to domains and inventory in the normal fashion.

In order to develop and deploy algorithm plugins, you will interact primarily with two tools - the Masking API client, and the Masking Algorithm SDK. The Masking API client is a long-standing feature that allows interactive execution of API operations on the Delphix Masking Engine, while the Masking Algorithm SDK is a new software package created specifically to aid in algorithm development.

Before Getting Started

This documentation assumes you have a functional Java 8 development environment. Instructions for setting up a basic development environment are here.

You should also download the Algorithm SDK binary package from the Delphix download site and unpack it into a new directory on your development system. This directory - the root of the unpacked archive - will be referred to as sdk_root.

It's helpful to add the binaries directory to your PATH. On a UNIX like system, this command will add the SDK utilities to PATH:

$ PATH=$PATH:$(pwd)/sdkTools/bin

It is presumed that the SDK bin directory is in the user's PATH throughout this documentation.

Versions compatibility

The SDK shares some key elements with the Masking Engine, so in order for the SDK to provide behaviors as close as possible to the Masking Engine, use the SDK version which corresponds to the Masking Engine where you are planning to use the created algorithm(s). The SDK and the Masking Engine use a common Masking API which provides the mechanisms to run the extensible algorithms. Masking algorithms built on the SDK using the latest Masking API will not necessarily run on an older Masking Engine version.

Delphix Release Algorithm API Algorithm SDK
6.0.3 1.0.0 -
6.0.4 1.1.0 1.0.0
6.0.5 1.1.0 1.1.0
6.0.6 1.2.0 1.2.0
6.0.7 1.3.0 1.3.0
6.0.8 1.4.0 1.4.0

Outline for a Guided Tour

By following the steps in the outline below, you can tour the basic functionality provided by the Extensible Algorithm feature and Algorithm SDK.

  1. Create an algorithm plugin by choosing one of two options:

    1. Building the sample algorithm project
    2. Creating and building your own algorithm project
  2. Run the algorithm plugin using maskApp

  3. Install the newly created plugin on the Delphix Masking Engine

  4. View and manage the plugins on a Delphix Masking Engine using the API Client

  5. Upload multiple plugin in SDK