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Free Text Redaction

See Free Text Redaction for more information about this algorithm framework.

Creating a Free Text Redaction Algorithm via API

  1. Retrieve the frameworkId for the Free Text Redaction Algorithm Framework. This information can be retrieved using the following endpoint:

    algorithm   GET /algorithm/frameworks

    The framework information should look similar to the following:

          "frameworkId": 8,
          "frameworkName": "Free Text Redaction",
          "frameworkType": "STRING",
          "plugin": {
            "pluginId": 7,
            "pluginName": "dlpx-core",
            "pluginAuthor": "Delphix Engineering",
            "pluginType": "EXTENDED_ALGORITHM"
  2. Upload the Lookup File (if any) for the Free Text Redaction Algorithm Framework. It can be done using the following endpoint:

    fileUpload  POST /file-uploads

    The response with the reference UUID information should look similar to the following:

      "fileReferenceId": "delphix-file://upload/f_6426ea480db14c1ea9f83f7eb98f3c0e/lookupFile.txt"
  3. Create a Free Text Redaction Algorithm instance via the following endpoint:

    algorithm   POST /algorithms

    Configure a new algorithm using the JSON formatted input similar to the following:

            "algorithmName": "Free Text Redaction for masking addresses and zip codes",
            "algorithmType": "COMPONENT",
            "frameworkId": 8,
            "algorithmExtension": {
                "isDenyList": true,
                "lookupFile": {
                      "uri": "delphix-file://upload/f_6426ea480db14c1ea9f83f7eb98f3c0e/lookupFile.txt"
                "lookupFileRedactValue": "redact_value1",
                "regularExpressions": [
                        "patternString": "a|A"
                        "patternString": "[0-9]{5}"
                "regExRedactValue": "redact_value2"

Free Text Redaction Algorithm Extension

  • isDenyList (required)

    Deny list redaction if true, allow list redaction if false.

  • lookupFile (optional)

    The reference UUID value returned from the endpoint for uploading the lookup file to the Masking Engine.

  • lookupFileRedactValue (optional)

    The value to use to redact items matching entries specified in the lookup file.

  • regExPatternList (optional)


  • patternString (required)

    Java 8 style regular expression.

  • regExRedactValue (optional)

    The value to use to redact items matching regular expression patterns.