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Full Name

See Full Name for more information about this algorithm framework.

Creating a Full Name Algorithm via API

  1. Find the FrameworkId for the Extensible SL Framework. That might be done via the following EndPoint:

    algorithm   GET /algorithm/frameworks

    Plugin name is dlpx-core, the framework name is Full Name.

  2. Involved algorithm references might be built using the name of the desired existing extensible String-type algorithm.
    For example: "firstNameAlgorithmRef" : { "name" : "dlpx-core:FirstName" }

  3. Create an Extensible Name Algorithm via the following EndPoint:

    algorithm   POST /algorithms

    Using the JSON formatted input, similar to the following example:

        "algorithmName": demo-FullName",
        "algorithmType": "COMPONENT",
        "description": "This is a new style FullName algorithm",
        "frameworkId" : 3,
        "algorithmExtension" :
            "firstNameAlgorithmRef" : { "name" : "dlpx-core:FirstName" },
            "lastNameAlgorithmRef" : { "name" : "dlpx-core:LastName" },
            "maxLengthOfMaskedName" : 0,
            "ifSingleWordConsiderAsLastName" : true,
            “lastNameAtTheEnd” : true,
            "lastNameSeparators" : [ "," ],
            "maxNumberFirstNames" : 2

Fields description:
"algorithmName" - customer created algorithm name
"algorithmType" - should be "COMPONENT" for Extensible Algorithms
"description" - free text
"frameworkId" - the numeric value found in #1 above
"algorithmExtension" - the composite field, containing algorithm instance specific configuration parameters

Name Algorithm Extension

  • firstNameAlgorithmRef (required)

    Must be an Algorithm Reference, pointing to an existing extensible algorithm of String type.

  • lastNameAlgorithmRef (required)

    Must be an Algorithm Reference, pointing to an existing extensible algorithm of String type.

  • maxLengthOfMaskedName (optional, default=0)

    Should be a non-negative number. The output (masked) value is forcibly trimmed to that length (by the number of characters).

  • ifSingleWordConsiderAsLastName (optional)

    If true consider single input word as a last name, otherwise as a first name.
    Default: true

  • lastNameAtTheEnd (optional)

    If true last name to be detected at the end of the input staring, otherwise last name is at the beginning.
    Default: true

  • lastNameSeparators (optional)

    List [Char]
    List of the last name separators.
    Default: contains single value: comma ','

  • maxNumberFirstNames (optional, default=2, minimum=1, maximum=4)

    Defines the max number of first and middle names to be masked. The rest would be ignored.